(Live at The Church Studios)frogs and fools also. you view of joy and pleasures, or wishes to float your boat? COVER STORY. Change the way you see what is right, with the bumps in the roads.There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.
I am friendly, easy-going, and responsible! When I’m not studying, I like being social and active but equally, enjoy my quiet time. Hard knocks, classes on love and hate, dreams in the air, live and learn, live and grow, daily events, giants retired, spare time, ready to spring into summer dreams, stats, location, age, how tall, things to share, out of the gate, just to let you know."Lean on me, when you're not strong, And I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on For it won't be long 'Til I'm gonna need Somebody to lean on...
School of Hard Knocks:Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.
The World in this position may be giving you permission to do whatever you want.Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action that will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
Locks to keep stolen personal items, for true love and devotion. loves self more. Snakes Dicks.There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.
Out of the darkness of the dens of snakes, back to bake on the beach. Happy notes, time spent in hell, hanging on a dogwood tree. Stronger for the classes on love and devotion, in the first attempts in learning, practice to perfection not to fail, good times.
SHAY can keep my name out of her fucking mouth. Feel free to screenshot and show her. I give no fucks.

Yes, right after free fucks. Alas- am out of fucks to give. So, no. I went to the bar like this. I give no fucks, I do what I want! Plus, I got a free drink out of it. XD Michael Jackson -


Life Is A Beach: Remember The Time (Official Video)
Holiday Plans I’m ready let’s gooooooooo!!!!!! Relive the moments again and again.Still Rock and Roll To Me.
OH, HAPPY DAY!Dances In The Rain, Frogs, Spiders,Worms, Snakes In Grass, Shadows In The Darkness, Freaks, Fools, Frogs. Watch your habits...
Veterans Prey...Dates with monkeys, dates, and songs of the monkey times, how much of an ape, that monkey was. Words to work, words to write, words to tell the horror stories.There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.
Locks to keep stolen personal items, for true love and devotion. loves self more. Snakes Dicks.
There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.SUNNYANDBRIGHTDAZESAHEAD2014.BLOGSPOT.COM.
Another brick in the world, history, not news today. Pages To Turn, ghosts, and spooks, candles in the winds.Lights, luck, lessons, tests over time, eyes open wide, kids are God's eyes on you, for the moments lost in time. I don’t like the impeachment circus this late, but I admire the courage it took some GOP reps to break with the party and stand up for what they believe, regardless of the political impact and personal risk they’re bringing to themselves and their families. They should be applauded.
A source that will later be used to spread propaganda. pure propaganda when it becomes nessacary for the NWO to manufacture chaos as they put the hammer of control to the citizens of the U.S. and complete their coup in Government. Look for it.......
Tales of the fairies, the pixies, the earth angels, games to be play, were played, back in time. 2015, great birthday gift from a band of freaks, retards, and rejects from New York.FaceTime?ENGLISH words, for the wise.
Stupid can not be fixed. cured or traded. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Free Rides: Nothing for free, tricks and trades to exchanges, walks in the park, classes in the woods. Under the cherry moons, blue stars tonight, planes…
Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat. Dreams to live, dream life to create.
Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, l...
Bugs, bees, butterflies, trips to the woods, the dogwood trees, the woods to grandmother's house. Fairy tales to rewrite, fairy tales daily life, fairy tales around the world. Fairy tales, to take the hard knows, fairy tales to share the love and the hate, horns of goats.There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity.
There is no GREATER discovery in life than learning who you truly are—and no greater FREEDOM than acting in your own radical authenticity. (Live at The Church Studios)frogs and fools also. you views of joy and pleasures, or wishes to float your boat?COVER STORY.Change the way you see what is right, with the bumps in the roads.
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