Snakes in Jewish rites, hairs of the matters, back to wigs, gang bang freaks, monkeys and snakes. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸! We #celebrate life, #liberty & the pursuit of #happiness, together.Once Bitten By Snakes, “Creativity,Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun” .Gifts to share on those views, at a later date with the jokes at the bumps in the road, and the dense and the dim witted frogs, that make life hell on earth. Lyon to Fun and Games
The answers lie within the heart. I truly believe this. The heart is our connection energetically to not only our earthy existence but the divine as well. It is where our most authentic presence lies. Talk to your heart. Synchronize with your heart. Shut your eyes and pay attention to your hearts beat and go inyo your heart.
Many of us are addicted to drama and don't even know it. Yes drama is fun to participate and gossip about but it's not worth the cost of your vibe. Drama requires low vibration thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that behave in the dramatization. Who cares who did what to who? It's just not worth it - forgive, forget, move on.Namaste
I have posted quite a few exercises lately that are heart based. Once you start paying attention to your heart and checking in with it truly amazing things start to happen. Make it a daily routine and watch how things start to change. Watch how people start to notice a transformation for the better. Here I grow!!!!!!!Today, Tomorrow? Peace, Love, Happiness, Joys And Pains, Dances On Sands, Angel Host.
IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO CHALLENGE YOUR OWN BELIEFS :THEN YOU ARE YOUR OWN MOST EFFECTIVE PRISON WARDEN.Monkey Games 2020, Swingers To Dodge, Snake Dens Sells: Time to stand all, time to do right things.Today, Tomorrow? Peace, Love, Happiness, Joys And Pains, Dances On Sands, Angel Host.
Love, lights, lessons, leaders, knights to find, dream lives in the words, plans up in the air. guys... i have a Problematic to discuss. So the tale is about a guy and a girl who had been traveling together for a season, and when the season was up, had to redone parts that had not been completed
Fairy Tales daily life, adventures all the time, trips to never-lands, Peter Pan. God guys, good guys, depends on the day for some. Sybil Crazy, Personalities, Personals, Views, Values, Voices In My Head. Moments Of Madness.Common causes. Jokes and laughs, senior lady, stranger today, searching for the one man, heads above the common. Writer daily, views to share, dances on the sands of time.
"Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday. Love, lights, lessons, leaders, knights to find, dream lives in the words, plans up in the air. guys... i have a Problematic to discuss. So the tale is about a guy and a girl who had been traveling together for a season, and when the season was up, had to redone parts that had not been completed
"Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday. Today, Tomorrow? Peace, Love, Happiness, Joys And Pains, Dances On Sands, Angel Host.
Love, lights, lessons, leaders, knights to find, dream lives in the words, plans up in the air. guys... i have a Problematic to discuss. So the tale is about a guy and a girl who had been traveling together for a season, and when the season was up, had to redone parts that had not been completed
Fairy Tales daily life, adventures all the time, trips to never-lands, Peter Pan. God guys, good guys, depends on the day for some. Sybil Crazy, Personalities, Personals, Views, Values, Voices In My Head. Moments Of Madness.Common causes. Jokes and laughs, senior lady, stranger today, searching for the one man, heads above the common. Writer daily, views to share, dances on the sands of time.
Fairy Tales daily life, adventures all the time, trips to never-lands, Peter Pan. God guys, good guys, depends on the day for some. Sybil Crazy, Personalities, Personals, Views, Values, Voices In My Head. Moments Of Madness.Common causes. Jokes and laughs, senior lady, stranger today, searching for the one man, heads above the common. Writer daily, views to share, dances on the sands of time.
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