The World in this position may be giving you permission to do whatever you want.Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action that will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
Locks to keep stolen personal items, for true love and devotion. loves self more. Snakes Dicks.
Out of the darkness of the dens of snakes, back to bake on the beach. Happy notes, time spent in hell, hanging on a dogwood tree. Stronger for the classes on love and devotion, in the first attempts in learning, practice to perfection not to fail, good times.
SHAY can keep my name out of her fucking mouth. Feel free to screenshot and show her. I give no fucks.
Yes, right after free fucks. Alas- am out of fucks to give. So, no. I went to the bar like this. I give no fucks, I do what I want! Plus, I got a free drink out of it. XD Michael Jackson -
Life Is A Beach: Remember The Time (Official Video)

Veterans Prey...Dates with monkeys, dates, and songs of the monkey times, how much of an ape, that monkey was. Words to work, words to write, words to tell the horror stories.
Locks to keep stolen personal items, for true love and devotion. loves self more. Snakes Dicks.
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