Monday, February 15, 2021

Everyone needs a gimmick—including high-end real estate. ... Real estate agents and developers are just beginning to use .

The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we   can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not   need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to the USA.

 Everyone needs a gimmick—including high-end real estate. ... Real estate agents and developers are just beginning to use ... is putting up five "marijuana mansions" in Los Angeles' pricey Beverly ... She's also not sold on using cannabis-themed events and open houses to sell ... It's not if you have edibles.

Duck Dicks: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267. loves the attention, Best Buy Crook, Christmas in July, 2015. Stole a car, May 9, 2013, in Palm Springs, pimp to rest of the worlds, cum on face, cum on his glasses instead of mud. Snake on Facebook, Maya Dsilva first, snake once again, his butches online, Santiago Smith,  Reese Smith, 333 on his bitch to mark, beast and dick player within. Jokes online, pictures also, dead bones in a box.

 Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Women/Men/Boys and Girls/Drugs/Meth/Pot/Oral Specialist of Craigslist Nightly after midnight.-Markets All works with Ex Wife, Sheri Jarrrot, and Creator of next greatest Jewish Woman. Can be reach at 7608512267 or 50925 Paradise West Drive number B: La Quinta, California 92253.Last night with kid with a lack of natural hair on head, $6000 wig Rookie/Jewish style, for cover acceptable for hair, Rachel Jarrot, and stole car for Mad Angry Disappointed Shocked Black Woman from Washington.

 Daisy and dicks, dawgs and frogs, snakes to sing songs, of love and hate. Snake Dances: Eat a snake or two, snakes and frogs on sticks, party and play, party dazes with dicks and dogs. Deer notes, sheep in fields, monkeys and snakes, swinging in woods, snakes with love all around, birds and bees, dogwood trees, joys and pains, parts to do again, must get right. Joys and pains, dances in the rain, girls with red hoods, tricks and trades, monkeys hanging from dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, monkeys to see.Military members, alive and dead, thanks so much for time spent in the sand, time spent. time in  hell holes, that's to give, so little thanks. Time spent, time gone, gifts to share, thanks so much for time away from home.

Duck Dicks: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267. loves the attention, Best Buy Crook, Christmas in July, 2015. Stole a car, May 9, 2013, in Palm Springs, pimp to rest of the worlds, cum on face, cum on his glasses instead of mud. Snake on Facebook, Maya Dsilva first, snake once again, his butches online, Santiago Smith,  Reese Smith, 333 on his bitch to mark, beast and dick player within. Jokes online, pictures also, dead bones in a box.

 Nice notes to share, thanks. Steven , Seven Snakes, land whale, leader of packs. Steven and Rachel Jarrot lovers  until end of time. 7605643510:Good times, asses up, lubed  and primed, dicks to line up, weekly Gang bangs to attend. Catcher with ass up, pitchers line up.  Snake charmer, expert oral skills to share, nice guy looking for a nice girl for a lifetime of hardships and bags of shit to spare for the dream woman, or boy toy for the fun and games to share in the shadows of the night. 7608512267- Good times. Nightmares life in RV, out of gas, out of cash, out of brains. 6 cans short- Steven Jarrot, hidden online, bitch this time, lots of joys and laughter, jokers, wolverine saints and sinners.

 Jokes and tips, Mother Goose stories, stories out of the good books, the bible, Moses and Jesus, fish and bread, stories better when you die.The man in the sky, Jesus and his sons, angels on high, mercy and goodness, classes on the beach, con men and the stories left. The bitch was a hooker, the man was her pimp, out of the winds, out of smokes, bun to be born. In a barn Christ was born, boy named Jesus, the son of the man in sky. 

HOLLYWOOD HITS, MOVIES WITH GREAT VIEWS, LIFE ON THE WATER.PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEAS.Angels here now. Angels in heaven, angels in hell, trips to take. Lessons to learn, fairy tales in past, bible stories to share. Gifts in songs, words to tell, schools of hard knocks. Dances in the rain, seas of tears to cross, sunny and bright for dazes.

Image result for Was That Yesterday.

Kill Bill Ducks: Steven Jarrot: 7608512267

. Sometimes surfing is just about being in the water on a beautiful day .. waves or no waves.End of the Rainbow 😮🌊🌊🌈.🌊🌊🏄Walks On The Beach. Everyone needs a gimmick—including high-end real estate. ... Real estate agents and developers are just beginning to use ... is putting up five "marijuana mansions" in Los Angeles' pricey Beverly ... She's also not sold on using cannabis-themed events and open houses to sell ... It's not if you have edibles.
Duck Dicks: Steven Jarrot, 7608512267. loves the attention, Best Buy Crook, Christmas in July, 2015. Stole a car, May 9, 2013, in Palm Springs, pimp to rest of the worlds, cum on face, cum on his glasses instead of mud. Snake on Facebook, Maya Dsilva first, snake once again, his butches online, Santiago Smith,  Reese Smith, 333 on his bitch to mark, beast and dick player within. Jokes online, pictures also, dead bones in a box.

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